
ICU Judges’ Education Recertification Course

ICU Judges’ Education Recertification Course se bo odvil 10. aprila 2022 med 9. in 17. uro. Pogoj za udeležbo je opravljen Judges’ Education Course. Izvajalec je International Cheer Union.

Predavatelja sta znana strokovnjaka. Za cheerleading bo predaval Mike Cooper, za performance cheer Elizabeth Blacher Rifino.

Cena je 115$ po osebi in kategoriji. Lokacija je M hotel, Derčeva 4, 1000 Ljubljana.

Prijavite se lahko na povezavi.


We would like to invite you to the ICU Judges’ Education Recertification Course, which will be held on the 10th of April 2022 at hotel M in Ljubljana, Slovenia. All judges who attended an ICU Judges’ Education Course in person before can register for the Recertification course in Slovenia.

Educators for the ICU Judges’ Education Recertification Course will be Elizabeth Blacher Rifino for Performance Cheer and Mike Cooper for Cheerleading.

Price: 115$/ person

All participants can book a room at hotel M. The hotel management gave us a form to
be filled and sent directly to their email address. You can find all the details here.

You can register here.

Z nadaljevanjem uporabe spletne strani, se strinjate z uporabo piškotkov. Več informacij.

Nastavitve piškotkov na tej spletni strani so nastavljane na "dovoli piškotke", da bi vam omogočili najboljšo izkušnjo brskanja. Z nadaljevanjem uporabe te strani ali s klikom na gumb Sprejmi, se strinjate s tem.
